An individual or family is homeless when they lack stable, permanent, appropriate housing, or the prospect, means, and ability of getting it. They may be unsheltered, emergency sheltered, temporarily accommodated, or at risk of homelessness. People who do not have a safe, secure, or affordable shelter are more likely to have poorer health outcomes.[1] They are also more likely to experience social problems and are more likely to become involved in criminal activity than people who are not homeless.[1]
Individuals experiencing homelessness |
About the MeasureData for this measure come from the 2018 Point in Time (PiT) counts. A PiT count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness in an area at a specific point in time. The counts were conducted by the Guelph & Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination, the County of Wellington, and the County of Dufferin. The 2018 PiT counts were conducted during April in Guelph-Wellington and during May in Dufferin. Key FindingsIn Guelph-Wellington, 57 children and youth younger than 18 years of age were found to be experiencing homelessness during a three-day period in April 2018. Of these children and youth, 34 were dependent children living with an adult family member and 23 were unaccompanied youth living without an adult family member. Overall, 322 people were found to be experiencing homelessness during this period. In Dufferin, there were 11 unaccompanied youth found to be experiencing homelessness during a two-day period in May 2018. Overall, 44 people were found to be experiencing homelessness during this time. Data on dependent children was not captured in Dufferin.
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Source: Age Specific Data - Email correspondence with D. McPherson, Coordinator of the Guelph & Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination. January 2019. Total Individuals - Ellery R. Everyone counts: 2018 Guelph-Wellington point-in-time count. Guelph, ON: Guelph & Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination; 2018. Available from:
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Source: Age Specific Data- Email correspondence with Cindy Larocque, County of Dufferin. January 2019. Total Individuals- Dufferin County. Results report: Dufferin Country 2018 point-in-time homeless count. 2018. Available from:
LimitationsIt should be noted that a PiT count depends on the ability of volunteers to find those experiencing homelessness. Volunteers may not count those who do not appear to be homeless, or who are well-hidden. It is difficult for a PiT count to capture those experiencing "hidden homelessness" (e.g., couch surfing or living in a hotel room) or those not accessing homeless supports and services. As a result, findings from PiT should be considered the minimum number of people experiencing homelessness.
[1] Eberle, M., Kraus, D., Hulchanski, D., & Serge, L. (2001). The relationship between homelessness and the health, social services and criminal justice systems: A review of the literature. Vancouver: British Columbia Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security. Available at: